Member Spotlight: Marcia Skyers-James
While looking for a way to pay for college, Marcia spoke with a friend who worked at the New York Hilton Midtown. She interviewed .. in German .. with the Director of Food & Beverage and was hired immediately. During her eleven years at the Hilton, Marcia moved from F&B to the Assistant Manager's desk and then to the International Desk. After applying for a position in Sales but being told she needed more operations training, Marcia became the Director of Guest Services.
Then the crosstown older cousin .. the Waldorf=Astoria .. came calling. They offered Marcia a position working the incentive market which she accepted and held for more than four years.
It was while working at the Waldorf that Marcia heard from a client that there was a Director of Sales position at the nearby Kimberly. Twenty-nine years later Marcia and that client are still in touch.
"I've always loved this industry" says Marcia "and working for an independent company I love it even more. It's much more personal, you get to know the clients more and there's no red tape!"
Marcia believe she is in the place she belongs, not just doing operations. "I love sales and marketing." Sales and marketing offers so many opportunities:
- You can travel the world
- You meet so many people from so many walks of life
- You grow professionally and personally
- Marcia says "I've traveled to 45 countries" but my favorite trip was to Morocco" .. where she slept in a five star tent!!
Marcia met her husband at a friend's home. Although none of her three children -Shahna 37 .. Dean of Students at a NYC school, Patrick, Jr 35 .. Real Estate Development in NJ, Nia 31 .. doing a residency in dermatology in Washington, DC - got the hospitality bug, her son always looks for employees with a hospitality background because they have strong interpersonal skills and understand the meaning of good service.
As we were speaking it was just hours from September 11. Marcia recalls the shock and terror of the day and the chaotic rush to find rooms for so many people. Covid was the second big shock and of course affected so many more people.
To my question of what would you have done differently, Marcia replied "gotten a mentor sooner."
To my what surprises most people about you question, Marcia replied "that I speak fuently and write English, French, German and Spanish."
And to What Would you like to shout from the roof tops, Marcia replied:
- Life is short! Live it to the fullest every minute of every day.
- Treasure and nurture your family and your friendships.
- Travel when you can; it opens up your mind in so many ways.
- Be kind! Be kind! Be kind!